Monday, September 10, 2007

Moving On Up!

This was a great weekend . . . especially for our frogs, Swimmer and Diver! They just tripled their square footage and had their place updated and redecorated. Boy are they lucky!!! I'm still waiting for the first round of decorating to happen here! :-) Nate took the boys out on some errands and they conveniently found themselves at Petco. I guess it is good to get the boys "re-excited" about their frogs since they are all dreaming and pushing for a dog - and I just can't do it! Our neighbors who have had to pet-sit our frogs while we've been out of town will also be excited the frogs have a bigger home! They've all commented that they felt sorry for the frogs having to live in such small quarters. So here goes, our frogs are no longer big frogs in a little pond! I hope they enjoy!


Megan said...

Cute! Always nice to have some extra square footage to stretch out! :)

Porter told me today that he wants a cat. Since James is allergic, I think it will be a long time before we get animals with hair, but he does want to get a fish tank. Petco would be a scary place for them to end up too!

Chelsea said...

Cute! Brayden is sitting here with me & begging for me to go out & get 2 frogs now... I've been telling him maybe a fish for a long time now! frogs are way cooler!

Christine said...

How fun. I hope that it Alex and Tanner are satisfied and won't be begging for a dog! Don't get me wrong, I love animals, but they are so messy and take a lot of work. Claire is enough for me!

Glazier5 said...

I totally agree Christine! Kids and husband are enough!