Saturday, September 15, 2007

DOG Days!

We finally broke down and got a dog - NOT! The kids found this lost dog in our neighborhood today and absolutely fell in love with him. The poor thing, he looked so old, tired and hot. Arizona is not a good place to get lost! The kids were so excited to feed him some food and water. They even decided he needed a name - so we can now affectionately refer to him as GOLDEN! Our next door neighbor has a couple dogs so they brought out the chow and we provided the water (how nice of us huh!) She and the kids went around the neighborhood trying to find it's home, but no luck so far. She also put signs up so hopefully somebody will come and claim him. In the mean time the "Ol' Fella" is in HER air conditioned laundry room waiting patiently!


Megan said...

Did you find the owner yet? I bet the kids are loving it! You are nicer than me to give up your laundry room! :)

Glazier5 said...

Oh I'm not that nice - it was my neighbor who kept it at her house. Are you kidding me, Nate was joking that it was the first time he'd seen me with a leash in my hand! The dog's owner saw the signs and came and got him Saturday afternoon.

Megan said...

Ah - I see the HER in big purple letters. :) Sorry, I read it too fast!

Stephanie and Paul said...

hey so fun to see your blog! i didn't know you had one! we are having fun out east but i sure miss those az winters. your kids are adorable! but you knew that! love, cousin steph

Christine said...

Ha, I freaked out when you said you caved until I kept reading. I bet that was fun for the kids, even if it was for a little while