Friday, October 3, 2008

It's TRUE...

We are out of the Terrible Two's (or so the saying goes)! But quite honestly, I'm not really all that excited to have my baby grow up. I love this stage with her. I keep telling her she can't get any bigger and I want her to stay just how she is. Although she is fiesty, stubborn, oh so dramatic and has more determination than ever to keep up with her two big brothers, she is a ray of sunlight in our home with her energy, spunk and curiousity. Every morning for the last couple of weeks she asks me, "Who's birthday is it today?" I would have to tell her it was somebody's in the world, but not hers. Well, finally "her" big day arrived and she is now happily and officially THREE! And like all three year old girls she celebrated like a PRINCESS!
We love you little Madison! Happy Birthday!


Chelsea said...

oh she is the cutest! she and Kosty are destined to be together some day! although it sounds like their personalities are a little too similar.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday beautiful girl!

Oh, I wish you were here! xoxo, m

Bunch of Brooks' said...

I can't believe she's already 3! She is super-duper cute! I remember very clearly when she was just a little over 1 years old. Wow, how time flies! I can't believe we've grown with 2 over here since we've lived in this house; just doesn't seem possible. Anyway, I was just telling Mark we don't see you guys much anymore. We should get together as families and do something fun! Put on your thinking caps for any fun ideas!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Madison! We loved having you in Nursery!

Christine said...

Time flies. Claire turns 2 in a couple of weeks and I can't even believe it!

foreveryoung said...

She is so adorable, but I think between her cute looks and fiesty personality you are in for it when she's a teenager!

Julie and Matt said...

What a cute little baby Madison was. It's hard to believe your baby is 3. Madison and the twins better be friends forever!