Friday, September 12, 2008

Training Wheels Come Off

Alex passed a big milestone recently. He learned to ride his bike without his training wheels! We took the necessary precautions and decked him out in elbow and knee pads and strapped on his helmet, and went out to the street one evening after the weather had cooled down. He must have just been ready and ripe for this big step because he didn't take long to get the hang of it. I held the back of his bike seat and ran behind him a few steps and gave him a big push and off he went peddling and balancing down the road. He was a little nervous and kept looking over his shoulder to see if I was still there as back up, so I reminded him to keep looking forward to maintain his balance. I ran behind him a few trips up and down the street to make sure he didn't crash, and after a few times he didn't even need me to do that. He did great! He quickly learned how to turn around so he could came back toward home at the end of the street (and not be like Forrest Gump heading straight off to the horizon), but when it came time to stop, he did have a little trouble. Instead of braking until the bike stops and then putting your foot down, he went with the "abandon ship" method where the bike slows, and right before it stops, he jumps off or stands up as it collapses under him. Whatever works. We'll practice those details later, but for now, he is a riding and balancing machine. He loves it, and it is fun to see him enjoy it and feel like one of the big kids.


Nichols Family said...

I just got caught up on your blog again. Alex is so cute man! Good job on the bike riding!

Chelsea said...

YAY!! Brayden will be so happy to ride bikes with him now that its getting cooler. And the black bat was a hit at our house! Brayden was feeling a little underprivelaged now that he has seen Alex's 3 webkinz and he still has the one...with a big hole in it!

Megan said...

Wow Alex! You've had a big month! Way to go! You need to come teach Porter now....he doesn't know what Webkinz are either. He's in to Pokemon at the moment!

Christine said...

I am loving all of these new posts!

foreveryoung said...

What a big milestone! Hopefully the weather will cool down soon so that he won't have to wait until midnight to practice his new skill!