Thursday, September 11, 2008

Why, Oh Why???

After working my tail off for an hour doing this

do I come home and find and indulge in these

when my fridge is fully stocked with spinach, cantelope, strawberries, whole wheat bread...

Back to work I go! Ugh!!
and no I didn't eat 60 packs....just enough to satisfy that sweet and salty craving!


foreveryoung said...

Ha! Ha! Just think of it as guilt free eating, you deserved it you totally kicked butt today!

Shanen said...

Moderation, moderation, moderation. =) I would never be able to give them up completely, but then again, I would never be able to get on a treadmill either. I think I have a problem. That fruit actully looks pretty good. Good for yo uto work out, I wish I had the motivation to do it.

kristina said...

I seem to have the same problem!

Megan said...

I have the same problem. Let me know when you get it figured out! ;)