Friday, May 30, 2008

We Have A Swimmer

Alex started swimming lessons and he has come a long way in just a short two weeks. It started with a lot of tears, screaming and a determination NOT to get in the water or get his face wet, to finally saying, "I think I really like swimming and let's not be late!" Thanks Mrs. Pam!


Chelsea said...

YAY! that gives me hope! Brayden starts next week!! Wow, I am really proud of your new posts, your even more ahead than I!

Pam Jorgensen said...

Alex did really great! By the end he was almost swimming across the pool!

foreveryoung said...

Not just one, but THREE new posts--wow! :) Yea for Alex, it took 2 whole seasons before Kylie would stop sounds like Pam works magic! Have fun on your trip!

Christine said...

How fun! Claire is doing swim lessons too. Isn't summer fantastic?

Nichols Family said...

So great, I love seeing pretty much the same pics on your blog as I have on mine ;). So, with all of this pool time, I'm using my Ped Egg a lot more often. What times do you go to LA Fitness? Hope to see you there sometime.

kristina said...

Hi Lori-when you get back, you have been tagged! Go to my blog for the directions :)!