Friday, May 30, 2008

We Have A Swimmer

Alex started swimming lessons and he has come a long way in just a short two weeks. It started with a lot of tears, screaming and a determination NOT to get in the water or get his face wet, to finally saying, "I think I really like swimming and let's not be late!" Thanks Mrs. Pam!

It's Official...

School Is Out! Hip Hip Hooray!

And what a great year it was!

Tanner's First Day of School

Tanner's Last Day of School with Mrs. Eidsvaag

Alex's First Day of Kindersteps

Alex's Last Day of Kindersteps with Ms. Settle and Mrs. Swanson

Alex and Mia - Best Carpooling Buddies
Kinderstep Graduates Brayden, Alex and Mia
and Kinderstep wannabes Madison, Riley and Tanner

Thursday, May 22, 2008

When It Rains It Pours....

Literally and unfortunately figuratively in our case!

Weather-wise we have had a much needed and refreshing change of scenery today. We went from melting in 100+ degrees (108 to be exact) to a nice WET 70 something today. I love the rain. I love the smell. I opened our sliding doors and just let the rain and cool air blow in. It reminds me of our Seattle days. We even had some hail come down today just as we were suppose to be leaving for our outdoor swim lessons (they were cancelled). The kids loved watching the hail cover the lawn and trampoline in white miniature snowballs and really how often does that happen here in AZ especially in May! The boys asked me if this was a record amount of rain that has ever come down (have they already forgotten their early childhood years in Washington?) It then triggered us to think about a streak of a 100+ days of rain in Seattle. Hmmm, maybe the sunshine isn't all that bad!

We also took a trip to dentist this afternoon. I'm never fond of these days, usually because the news is never good. I thought last week was bad when I was told I needed to make a return visit, especially since I'm the one that carries floss with me everywhere I go. With them both needing some pretty extensive work, let's just say today's visit with the boys was possibly the worst and most discouraging yet and we will be POURING big $DOLLARS$ into somebody else's bucket! Just as a friendly reminder....Don't Forget To Floss!

And lastly, we've had many a RAIN puddle land in places it shouldn't (ie, my carpet, the car, her bed, etc) in our attempts to potty train the little lady the last few days. She is really trying her best and has been so excited about getting new big girl undies. We got her another pack yesterday (because I couldn't keep up with her mishaps and the laundry!) and she ran them quickly up to her room and then returned to tell me she had all her new undies organized! I still haven't looked to see what "organized" means! The last couple days I got brave and ventured with her and the undies to the gym and to her music class. She really is doing a good job. Hopefully this storm is coming to an end!