Saturday, December 1, 2007

Favorite Alexisms

Alex has been cracking me up lately... he is turning into a funny little guy! The other day he mentioned to me that Madison was doing something she shouldn't have and so he took it upon himself to put her in "time-out" but he says, "I did give her some toys, Mom!"

This morning I was fixing breakfast for everyone. Alex was in the other room and I asked him if he wanted to come into the kitchen and get something. He replies to me, "No, Mom! I'm not in business with you right now!"

I guess I'll have to come up with a new business plan! I love the little guy even if he won't be my business partner and he does my parenting for me!

12/7/07 I just had to add another cute thought Alex had yesterday so I could remember.... He was getting pretzels out to eat and said, "I know what pretzels are made of. Really, I said, what? They are made of part wood and part snack!
I asked him if he was sure and he said "yes" and then went about eating his part wood part snack snack!


Michelle Y. said...

SO cute! I love the cute things that kids come up with. Hey we need to get together for VT asap. Let's have it at my house :)

Becky said...

Kids are the greatest. What a funny little guy! Btw, tag. Go to my blog for details.

Megan said...

Those are so cute!!!

Christine said...

So stinkin' cute! What are your plans for Christmas?

Chelsea said...

he is such a cute kid! "I'm not in business with you Mom?" one of the funniest I've ever heard!