Friday, October 12, 2007

We Love Grandma & Grandpa!

Yeah for Grandma & Grandpa! We enjoyed a great week with Grandma & Grandpa! The kids loved having them around. Even Madison got up this morning and told us she was going down stairs to find Grandma! She was so sad to realize Grandma was gone! I wish we could see them more often! We are glad that Grandpa has entered the world of retirement so maybe we can talk them into a few more trips down this way (we promise we won't ask you to come in July or August!) The kids had a great time roasting marshmallows at San Tan Flats, making sugar cookies with Grandma and playing board games and watching Star Wars with Grandpa. Grandpa was nice to help refinish Grandma Tueller's old rocking chair for Madison's room. Grandma was patient in helping me find material for drapes and then having the know-how to put them all together. I promise I'll get them finished Mom, but I may be calling you every day! Thanks again for a fun week. We miss you already!


Megan said...

We love Grandma and Grandpa too! :) I'm glad you had fun with yours. Looks like you did lots to keep the kids busy during break. Yeah for school next week! :) PS - I want your sugar cookie recipe. Yours always turn out so good!

Christine said...

Your home looks beautiful! Aren't moms and dads the best?

Michelle Y. said...

Yeah, I was so glad to see that you are a blogger when I saw your comment on Chelsea's blog. My blog is on private so I want to invite you to mine. My email is Can you please email me your address so I can invite you. Have fun on your trip!

Unknown said...

It's so fun to see your growing kids. Madison not only looks like you, but I see a lot of Ellie May in her. We're glad you got a nice visit with your folks. Hope you make it home for some portion of the holidays so we can visit with you!

Aunt Chick